Monday, January 14, 2008

History is Sketchy

Those of you in the greater metropolitan New York area may wish to check out the following incredibly awesome comedy show, which has its first performance this week. Kelly's a good friend of mine, and if this show is half as funny as it sounded when she was first conceptualizing it, it will be well worth your five bucks:

Henry Clay Frick Presents: Kelly Buttermore and Greg Wilker Can't Read
From the minds of a history teacher and the daughter of a history teacher comes a show about presidents, panthers, and the difference between Henry Clay and Henry Clay Frick. Join Kelly Buttermore and Greg Wilker for an evening of zany yet educational sketch comedy.

Written and performed by Kelly Buttermore and Greg Wilker
Featuring Jon Bander and Eden Gauteron
Directed by Mark Grenier

Tuesday, January 15th and Tuesday, January 29th at 8:00 pm
@ the Magnet Theater
254 West 29th Street, just off of 8th Avenue
Only $5!
Visit their website or call 212-244-8824 for reservations!

(ed. note - I really, really hope they left in the part about William Howard Taft being the lead singer of the first all-dog rock band.)

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